Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Results for the Highland 2011 Fall Trial

Another Trial is in the books for the Highland field trial club this past weekend. The weather was nice and cool which let the dogs perform well. Bird planting was done by Paul Tutro which is always appreciated by the club. The birds were brought up from Illinois dropped off in Ann Arbor, these birds were great flyer's and really make a good trial!

At noon the club broke for lunch and as always people flocked to the pavilion for the Clubs famous lunches, this Fall Ron Sposita made his famous Chicken Baked Comfort dish, which is a dish he uses in his far reach deer camp in northern Michigan. In addition we had Mostacholi from Ron's Dad and Diane Wheelocks World Famous Carrot cake (I did mention World Famous)! Like always the food was received well.

Again, The Highland Field Trial Club would like to thank all for another great trial.

Judging was performed in the Open Shooting Dog stake and Open Derby by Mr. Blake Rizzo, Blake is from the German Shorthair Horseback stakes along with the 3rd Turk Jimmy Cipponeri.

Open Walking Shooting Dog Stake -10 starters

1st-Ruby’s Shadow, ESM, Bob Wheelock o/h
2nd-Quail Trap Sadie, ESF, Dave Hawk, o. Scott Chaffee, h
3rd-Lucky Luke Star, ESM, George Najor, o/h

Open Walking Derby Stake – 5 starters

1st-Duke’s Joan Jett, PF, Ron Sposota, o/h
2nd-Shocka Zulu, PM, Wm. Nettles, o/h

The Amateur Shooting Dog was Judged again by Bake Rizzo and Ron "The Duke" Sposita

Amateur Walking Shooting Dog Stake – 9 starters

1st-Thorn Apple Hawk, ESM, Jim Cipponeri o/h
2nd-Bad River Frankie, ESM, Tom Vanecek, o/h
3rd-Ruby’s Shadow, ESM, Bob Wheelock o/h

1 comment:

Cipp said...

Thats me the Third Turk atop my Mount "Snickers"Thats how I really felt about the dogs I was watching that brace...BY the way What was club Secretary/Reporter doing Guarding the cooler or installing a Trailer Hitch on his New HHR??